Even though they appear along with your posted videos, they are only accessible by you. Simply select the video, tap on the three dots, and select ‘Delete’.ĭeleting drafts is very easy and straightforward. Go ahead and check your gallery! You can now go to your profile and delete the private video. Don’t worry, no one but you will be able to view it.Īs soon as you post your video, a copy of it will be saved to your local storage.

Now, we will change the privacy of the video so that only you can see the post. Launch the TikTok app, and locate the draft you would like to save. Follow this guide below to learn how to save your TikTok draft to your phone. However, there is a way to save your drafts to your phone for safekeeping. TikTok does not provide an option to directly save drafts to your local storage and as mentioned above, TikTok drafts are not accessible from your device’s gallery. Related: Is TikTok leaking drafts? How to save a draft to your phone gallery or photos folder These saved drafts are private and only viewable by you. There is no limit on the number of drafts that you can save on your TikTok account. If you captured the video from the TikTok app itself, then it won’t be available by default in the camera roll/gallery of your phone.ĭrafts can be saved once your video has been edited right before posting it. When you save a draft on TikTok, the video is uploaded to TikTok’s server. How to remove TikTok drafts without savingĭrafts are basically saved videos, edited or not, that you started to create but didn’t publish on TikTok.How to save a draft to your phone gallery or photos folder." x-signature=ZEJRMc9LlgnnF3slqhVJZ7yFs64%3D ", " x-signature=uDhDBi32nPHUvLwBYZ2SQQmmBSE%3D ", " x-signature=9DbnuFI2AAz1Ci8amKb3tyj8nZ4%3D " " x-signature=YVmdXmoqtQehVEoBGN%2FEEP4KwAs%3D ", " x-signature=%2Bbv4hH0taQEMETbUbtVkXUaS9K4%3D ", " x-signature=jHhSO3VUKGZgXnANdewaWR9Iog4%3D " " x-signature=JpwRCndSV4MhfypSV8dW%2ByIH1Kc%3D ", " x-signature=kYZtEXsEA4mkU%2F01ORWEkX6pbrw%3D ", "sec_uid": "MS4wLjABAAAApBIMlEve2hleqRYNuNkCZ56JXb-GblywR3DXbFJogq_GI_Sd-ab4BidvxcIRJGE ", " x-signature=k8C6TVYW581VycYOJDvMEAJEwsA%3D " " x-signature=9Dh24M%2FzLZMHFfkFnF%2BAal2ks9k%3D ", " x-signature=04WlvStl8OS%2F3XL8QMdE4mUpnMw%3D ", " x-signature=MJBSnFyxVbdJwGHEbX0eTtmWvxI%3D " " x-signature=HPWTQeZncDnwojQAIcmcEMkAhos%3D ", " x-signature=TxuUsftOJpUpQd1aUkgjDoHFi%2Fc%3D ",