"Fool! You cannot control the power you hold.I hope it's true, so that you may know your end came at the hand of Laufey." Self-explanatory he is then disposed of by Loki. "It's said you can still hear and see what transpires around you."Run back home, little princess." Random Frost Giant, before getting smacked by a provoked Thor.When you lose everything that you love." Vanko's last words in an alternative ending. "We will only be the same when you lose everything."You lose." Ivan Vanko aka Whiplash, before his armor and all the drones self-destruct."Booyah!" Red Shirt firing a bazooka before the Abomination catches the missile and smashes a taxi into him and the above red shirt."So Banner's the only-" Major Kathleen Sparr right before being stabbed by Blonsky."Yeah, very bad." Tough Guy Leader provoking Banner until he Hulks out and is crushed by a water heater in the ensuing rampage.No! No!" Stane's last words in a deleted scene, where he survived the initial arc reactor malfunction, but falls through the damaged roof onto the arc reactor, killing him. I've never mistaken anything about you since you were a kid.

"Hold still, you little prick!" Obadiah Stane aka Iron Monger, who is then killed by Stark Industries' arc reactor.And in turn, I hope you'll repay me with a gift of iron soldiers." Raza, before being disposed of by Stane. lf we are still in business, I will give you these designs as a gift. A man with a dozen of these can rule all of Asia. St.ark." Ho Yinsen, dying from the gunshot wounds he got to buy Tony Stark time to boot up the first Iron Man suit.