I guess I should give Mackie props for trying to make a good box, but the whole baffle and driver mounting appears to be thrown together.

Not only that there are voids between the baffle and the wood, and the front still rings like plastic when you tap it. JBL had success with running just a thick plastic baffle, so I see no reason why Mackie felt the need to go with wood behind it. The baffle cover over MDF is a bit strange. The outside of the speaker is a nice matte textured vinyl wrap that matches well to the matte black abs plastic baffle cover. Seems pretty firmly attached, but is tuned higher than most other speakers this size I've tested. The port is 1.25 inch in diameter and 3.5 inches deep. I'm thinking maybe this kind of back pressure would lower the FS of the driver(making the cone seem heavier and play deeper), but that is just my own unverified ramblings. There is only a small bit of clearance between the baffle and these vents. These little slots on the basket of the woofer are the only vents for the back wave of the driver. On the back of the woofer we can see some other issues. It is way back in the baffle with its own waveguide of sorts. Another thing that caught my eye about the woofer placement is the recessed mounting of the woofer. CR3's have a very delicate exposed dome with no grill, but still inverted the dust cap on the woofer. The Woofer is about 3.5 inch and appears to a poly cone. I'm not sure why Mackie would go to the trouble, but I'm guessing it is there to stop air leaks through the front baffle. The back of the tweeter is covered by this makeshift enclosure, with staples and hot glue holding it together. There is a tiny waveguide built into the plastic baffle cover and a slightly raised ultra green ring for styling and possible edge diffraction in the upper treble. The tweeter is a nice looking 3/4 inch textile dome. Well people are ignoring the warning in droves and this set of active speakers is the number one seller in the studio monitor category on Amazon, so let's see what people are getting when they buy a multimedia monitor. Instead of calling the CR3's studio monitors, they are "Multimedia Monitors." I'm guessing this branding is also supposed to serve as a warning label for those looking for quality sound. Mackie CR3 Creative Reference Multimedia Monitor Review