After waking up in the middle of the night to mysterious sounds, you start a journey in the dark looking for your mother. Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play as a two year old child. The enhanced edition of Among the Sleep contains improved visuals, digital art book and soundtrack integrated in the game, selectable pyjamas, enhanced puzzles and gameplay, new dialogue and a brand new museum level where you get to explore behind the scenes and experience never before seen footage and concepts cut from the released game. However, IBM is the one who gave computers their present shape, using, at the beginning of the 1980s, an idea of open architecture – which is today one of the most important differences between computers and consoles.The foundations of PC as a gaming platform are currently systems of digital distribution of video games (Steam, Origin, Uplay) and MMO games that mostly work in f2p (free-to-play) model.Among the Sleep is an award winning first person horror adventure in which you play a small child searching for your mother after ominous sounds wake you up in the middle of a night. PC was born in the 1970s, but it is impossible to give an exact moment of its birth or even a name of its creator.

PC (Personal computer) - one of the most popular home platforms and the only one which doesn’t offer playing video games as its main purpose. Such titles put less emphasis on action and combat, focusing more on story, exploration and puzzles. Action-adventure is a particular category within action games genre.

We can use a wide range of weapons, including pistols, rocket launchers, swords, knives and like. In most cases we are playing as a character who has to defeat some enemies and reach a specific point. First and third person perspective (FPP/TPP) is used. Call of Duty and Battlefield series) and action-adventure games (Tomb Raider). It includes, among other things, shooters (e.g.

Wide category of games that require reflex, accuracy and agility.